Category Archives: Philosophy and Outlook

High Enjoyment, Low Spending

One of the key components of adopting a FIRE lifestyle for my has been finding ways to spend my time which result in high enjoyment but low spending. I’d go as far to say FIRE is unrealistic and unsustainable without this key component. Although I don’t know any other FI’ers personally, I’ve seen friends and […]

I’m On FIRE, But Has Anyone Noticed?

I have a colleague at work who has a reputation for being cheap. Their cheapness is a bit of a running joke. People dread having this person as their ‘secret Santa’ because they will typically find some old bit of rubbish lying around the office, wrap it (often in newspaper, or cooking foil or whatever […]

The Power Of F-U Money

The summer holidays have been a mixed blessing for expat teachers the last two years. The summers are (as so many in corporate jobs have long suspected) a huge perk for teachers. It really is as great as you think it is! Getting paid a substantial amount of money to spend the summer doing very […]

Work Hard, Play Hard.

There was a time when the ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality seem to be this exciting, alluring concept which spoke to me of big pay cheques, exhilarating extra-curricular pursuits and a wide social circle. Those days are firmly gone. Now, when I hear someone utter the phrase ‘work hard, play hard’ I inwardly (and sometimes […]

The Importance Of Doing It Yourself

The basic premise of achieving FIRE always comes down to spending less than you earn. The bigger gap you can put between your income and your outgoings and the quicker you can achieve FIRE. There are two ways of making the gap bigger – earn more or spend less. Ideally, do both! The importance of […]

Are We On The Path To FIRE?

“Are we part of the FIRE movement yet? How will we know when we are?” FIRE might have been something that snuck up on us. We’ve never been very good at recording dates and memorable occasions. Beyond birthdays and Christmas, we don’t have any specific anniversaries we celebrate, so it’s unsurprising that we’ve lost track […]