Category Archives: Philosophy and Outlook

The Bigger The Risk, The Bigger The Reward

Given the cryptocurrency & NFT implosions over the past few months (including various exchanges going bust and locking out customers from their accounts, values crashing, scams etc), I’ve read and heard people using the phrase “the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward” more than usual. I think it’s worth examining it a little as […]

Our Money Rules

This is an idea popularised by Ramit Sethi that we really liked. We decided to create our own. It’s a nice way to set rules based on intentionality. By discussing our personal money rules we are being intentional and really considering what is important to us. While these rules are more guidelines than anything, creating […]

Money Memories From Childhood (Part 2)

Converse asked me recently what money memories I have from my childhood and what advice I remember being given. I don’t have a single clear memory of specific advice. What I do have is an ongoing memory of always wanting to know how people who appeared to be rich got rich. “How do people afford […]

Money Memories From Childhood (Part 1)

Shortbread and I were chatting about some of the things we remember experiencing and thinking about when we were children. We thought it might be a good topic for a post! I’ll go first, she will post hers later. “Every man has his price” When I was about 10, I remember spending some time with […]

Revisiting Our Manifesto for 2022

We’re about half way through 2022 and felt it was about time to reflect on our manifesto from last year. 1. Live intentionallyStill relevant, still the most important to us. Not following the crowd, but thinking about our own intentions (with regards to spending money or time) before doing something has been on our minds […]

The Appearance of Money

What does it look like to be rich? My ideas of what being rich looks like have changed drastically within the last ten years. When I was in my mid-twenties earning twenty something a year I had a typical, two dimensional view of what money looked like. Fast cars, shopping trips, holidays to Saint Tropez, […]

Can You Afford It?

What does it mean to afford something? How do you know what you can afford. Until examining my financial habits when I started FIRE, I didn’t give much thought to how differently the concept of ‘affording’ can be understood. I had a conversation recently with a friend about buying a luxury item. It’s something I […]

Lifestyle Acceleration

I didn’t experience lifestyle creep; I experienced lifestyle acceleration. I recently found an old pay cheque from seven years ago. It was my last pay cheque from working in the UK before I moved to Asia. I put it next to the following month’s pay cheque I received when I started my new job. I […]