Category Archives: Investing

The 3 Types of Savings

The terms savings is used quite generally. Putting money into savings can mean different things to different people. Even having to “dip into savings” could carry wildly different implications. Are you spending money in a cash reserve? This is, potentially, absolutely fine and a world away from having to sell off things like investments. A […]

Emergency funds earning interest? Yes please!

I just noticed that our brokerage, Interactive Brokers, offers interest on cash balances. They have an initial tier of currency you have to hold which pays nothing, but then a low rate is paid on the rest. They also have a minimum Net Asset Value (NAV) to receive the full rate. Essentially, if you have […]

Firewalls of Financial Defence

With a baby on the way we are, for the first time, assessing how safe our lifestyle is. What would happen should we be hit with unexpected bills? What would the plan be if something unexpected comes at us? 10 years ago we didn’t consider this all that much – we had been teachers for […]

The Bigger The Risk, The Bigger The Reward

Given the cryptocurrency & NFT implosions over the past few months (including various exchanges going bust and locking out customers from their accounts, values crashing, scams etc), I’ve read and heard people using the phrase “the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward” more than usual. I think it’s worth examining it a little as […]

Our Money Rules

This is an idea popularised by Ramit Sethi that we really liked. We decided to create our own. It’s a nice way to set rules based on intentionality. By discussing our personal money rules we are being intentional and really considering what is important to us. While these rules are more guidelines than anything, creating […]

50k Down – Still Don’t Care!…(ish)

The last few months have been pretty crazy for the neophyte investor (I suspect it hasn’t been all that much fun for experienced investors either). Our portfolio is currently worth about $30k less than what we paid for it, although if we count our gains from the bonanza that was 2021, we are down close […]