SweetSpotFI and some web traffic

The other week I noticed in our web analytics* that we’d had some traffic for possibly the first ever time and wondered where it had come from. Turns out one of our favourite blogs mentioned us on Twitter!

I can’t pretend we’ve gone viral or anything, but it’s nice to know that someone read something of ours. Hopefully some of it was useful. We don’t use Twitter (or any form or social media) so we wouldn’t have been any the wiser if we hadn’t seen it as a referrer in the analytics.

$325k! We did it!

In other news…we reached the next stage of FI! Thanks to the market dancing about a bit last week, our portfolio now stands at SweetSpotFI, which is supposed to be shade above the US federal poverty line. I’m not sure it’s still the federal poverty line given recent inflation, but it’s great to knock off another milestone. Many thanks to WeWantGuac for the shout-out and creating the milestones.

Next stop (hopefully)…BeachFI!

*We use a self-hosted version of Plausible web analytics so privacy focused and free!