Shortbread and Converse

Two Expats in Asia engaging in some DIY Finance

Site Redesign and More to Come

So this isn’t a traditional update related to finance, but we have revamped our site to make it easier to maintain in the future. I think it looks better and it should be a little faster too.

Hopefully this will encourage us to get back to posting. S&C Jr. is now two years old and the difficulties of parenting a baby have slightly subsided. We occasionally get some sleep now! Not only is the site a great way for us to mark progress (even if no-one reads it…), it’s a bit of an outlet for our ideas too.

Our finance situation is somewhat different from a couple of years ago, so we’ll have to get around to posting about that too.

Additionally, we have moved to a web host that only uses green energy for it’s infrastructure, so we’re pretty happy about that.

Here’s to the future!

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